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Pause with Reading

Pausing with a debut novel visual: Facing the racing currents of life and finding time to pause.

Racing Currents of Life

Do you frequently feel like you’re moving through life way too fast, to the point where you hit the bed every night exhausted but with little sense or appreciation for the content of your day?

In this fast-paced life, do we ever pause for moments of reflection, de-stressing and finding time to just pause? If we don't have "pit-stops" built into our days, then we cannot preform at our best.

And reading fiction is among the very best ways to get that disengaged rest. My debut novel features one of America's fastest rivers - the Piscataqua River which literally translates to swift river, can be a reflection point in my story for you as the reader.

How often do you feel like you are treading in rapid waters and racing those stressful currents of life?

Piscataqua River

The Piscataqua divides New Hampshire and Maine, and is has been a very important region to the eastern seaboard. The river has contributed to many industries, most known for ship building. The Piscataqua River is also known for its powerful currents, which greatly impacts the unique animal and plant life.

Portsmouth, NH

How Can Reading Help you Pause?

Reading has the possibility to put our brains into a pleasurable trance-like state, similar to meditation, and it brings the same health benefits of deep relaxation and inner calm. Bringing the ultimate "pause" or "pit-stop" that we all need.

Here are just five important ways reading can help improve your health, which will therefore, help you slow down and just be in the present.

  1. Reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and heart rate

  2. Fights depression symptoms

  3. Increases brain connectivity and lowers anxiety

  4. Improves focus and memory

  5. Improves sleep

So, take a moment in each day to make a full stop for yourself, grab a beverage and a good book!

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